How to Break Into Tech From Any Background
Career GPS for beginner, intermediate, and advanced individuals
✔ A comprehensive introduction to startups and why they are important
✔ The words you need to know to communicate effectively with people that work in tech
✔ An unbiased source of information with a proven track record for job placement
✔ A list of recommended resources to get the skills to break into tech
✔ A list of startups with momentum to help launch your career
✔ A list of coffee shops to work out of that enable serendipity during your job search
✔ Access to Apprenticeships if you aren't ready for an entry-level role
✔ Access to people, companies, and organizations that you need to know
✔ Selected newsletters to stay up to date with the latest trends in technology
✔ A breakdown explaining why skills and key traits will take you farther than credentials
✔ A focus on soft skills that will set you apart in technical and non-technical interviews
✔ An overview of technical and non-technical roles including team dynamics and compensation
✔ Salary negotiation tactics, including a breakdown between salary and equity
✔ Resume and portfolio templates that embrace your non-traditional background
✔ Interview prep, story telling skills, and tactics to get noticed by hiring managers
✔ How to bounce back from rejection and handle objections
✔ Networking tips and advice to get in front of decision makers
✔ A community of other people like you to help you manage your psychology